Thursday, June 11, 2009

Legalizing Drugs

Is this how we want our future generations to be like ?

Majority of people think that the increase number of drugs abuse right now is caused by the curiosity of an underage generations and the urge of adolesence to break the rules. By making drug abuse legal, it would illiminate the above factors and hopefully decrease, if not somehow supresed the growth of drugs abuse. The society are on the urge of giving up on the drug war that it makes them thinking of an easy way out. By legalizing it, we would not have to worry about the drug abuse problem the way we are right now.

I believe otherwise. We are living in the 21st century where people has a different thinking process. We are more advance in someways and are too naive on another. When discussing about drugs abuse, teenagers are mostly the prime factors of the topic. But we failed to look back and think about why is drugs abuse increasing rapidly in the first place. The society and economy itself are to blame on this matter. The way people live their life, broken homes, kids raised in divorce families, children that does not have enough attention because parents has to work 3 jobs to support the living expenses, etc. All those factors contributes to people trying to find a way out, only to realize there is no way out other than to indulge themselves into a momentary pleasure of being under the influence of a certain substance. Overtime, this becomes the only way they know on how to solve their problems which leads to addictions.

More to that, I believe by legalizing drug abuse is only to prove a point that they are right. That there are no way out of your problems. Why bother trying to work harder to break out of it while these substance can make it all go away ? And overtime, this will only increase the number of users and widen the age range of the abusers.

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