Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Same-sex marriage

Legalizing same-sex marriage would be harmful to society, The primary goal of marriage is the bearing and raising of children, who are vital to the future stability of society. The sexual revolution, however, has weakened the institution of marriage by attacking the bonds between marriage, sex, and children. Homosexual marriage, would further damage marriage and the family by legitimizing a dangerous kind of nonprocreative sexual behavior and lifestyle.

Forty-one states currently have statutory Defense of Marriage Acts. Three of those states have statutory language that pre-dates DOMA (enacted before 1996) defining marriage as between a man and a woman. Thirty states have defined marriage in their constitutions. Arizona is the only state that has ever defeated a constitutional amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman (2006), but subsequently passed one in 2008.


  1. What is something that brings people and families together? Love, between a man and women or between the same sexes. I believe that people should be happy. And if you’re happy in a marriage that happens to be with the same sex then so be it. That would make the bond stronger I feel. In 2000, more than 61 percent of voters supported a ballot that favored same sex marriage. Denying these marriages is a form of minority discrimination. As far as rising a child, yes it may be little harder but in the end, isn't that what makes us stronger? I believe the child would have a more open mind set about issues and ideas. And most couples today are fighting and getting divorced, what is the harm in being happy. Then being alone or in a relationship that will soon end with more stress. The only thing that should matter in marriage is love. The number of child adoptions should increase since gay couples cannot pro-create. This gives children parents that care, and want to have children.

  2. The legalization of same sex marriage would not harm society and it may help it. Who are we to judge those for their choice of sexual partners? Marriage is a bond that two people share. Their gender should be irrelevant. Children are a gift. Marriage is about love and being happy. Love is love and everyone’s definition is different. How about everyone just work on accepting each other for who they are? Society is so quick to pass judgment. And just because some man somewhere wrote a law saying marriage is between a man and a woman we must abide by it? Who was this man anyway? Does it say in his law that marriage is not allowed between two people of the same gender? Just curios…

  3. Don't you think there are plenty of people having children out of wedlock? Marriage is not the only means by which people are having children. Not only that, but there are alternatives to reproduction through sexual intercourse. Thanks to modern science, artificial insemination and surrogates have become popular methods with not only gay couples, but some straiaght couples as well.
    Also, you say that allowing marriages between people of the same sex wold harm society. Marriage is simply a piece of paper and some advantages with taxes and insurance. Letting these people proclaim their love is not harmful in any way. Whether you believe in homosexuality or not, it is happening, with or without legal marriage.
    Section 1 of the fourteenth amendment in the constitution of the United States says "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property." Marriage is the right of every American. These people cannot be deprived of their rights.

  4. The actual act of legalizing same sex marriage would not be harmful to society, but it could lead to further cases later on in court that could be harmful. First of all, the primary goal of marriage is not to have children. There are a lot of couples out there that choose not to have children. Children aren't for everyone. If the same sex couple does decide to adopt or have artificial insemination it actually could help the children when they grow up. Most likely that family would be looked upon as "different" and the child would grow up to be independent and be able to blow off the rude comments of others. Gay couples can show affection to their children just as well as other couples.
